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Injured Worker Specialities image

We are experts in work-related injuries and recognize that the key to cost management is getting the diagnosis right the first time. Our expertise includes careful evaluation of injury causation, timely turnaround of Work Status reports (within 24 hours of office visit), and providing the latest in cost effective treatment options.

Commitment to the Work-Related Injury Community

Our physicians and staff work to help alleviate the expense of an on-site injury, including providing companies with accurate, timely diagnoses and treatment plans that enable employees to get back to work as quickly as possible. Nurse case managers and adjusters representing these clients can count on Hinsdale Orthopaedics to share knowledge promptly in a spirit of cooperation to provide top-quality care for our patients, while also managing the potentially staggering expenses of work-related injuries.

Workers' Compensation Services

  • AMA 6th Edition Certified IME's, 2nd opinions, & 3rd opinions
  • Physical Therapy & Rehabilitation Programs
  • Functional Capacity Evaluations (FCE)

Extensive Knowledge of Workers' Compensation Laws

Hinsdale Orthopaedics professionals have extensive, up-to-date knowledge of workers' compensation laws, a major factor in the battle to manage health care costs to benefit employers and patients. Our on-site workers' compensation team is dedicated and ready to assist in the management and facilitation of any injured worker case.

Same day or next day appointments are available. If you have any questions regarding our Injured Workers Program, please call 1-877-WCHOASC. Bilingual services are available.
